Caryophyllene Oxide Terpene

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Caryophyllene Oxide Terpene

Caryophyllene Oxide is the oxidized form of Caryophyllene that is said to be the specific chemical that K9 units smell for during the investigation for unlawful cannabis possession. The reason for this is likely due to the fact that Caryophyllenes are said to occur in every single strain and being a less volatile sesquiterpene, they are less prone to evaporating off over time. Unlike beta-Caryophyllene, Caryophyllene Oxide occurs in extremely small percentages, often times less than one-tenth of the flower sample. Caryophyllene Oxide is unique in the sense that it is not an oily liquid like it's beta-Caryophyllene counterpart. Instead, this terpene isolate occurs in a crystalline, salt-like form that is soluble in oils and organic solvents.